Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Majesty

Me and Majesty on Rich-Cove Mountain. Shot by my Dad on November 14, 2010.
Hi, I’m going to add on to my last post.  The week after I left Hodges my family went to see my grandfather, who I had only seen a few times.  I was excited.  He lives in Maggie Valley, NC.  It’s about 3 hours away and to me it took forever!  I was so bored.  Finally we got there but on the way my Mom was telling me how he was a mountain man and how once his family owned the whole mountain. But slowly he had to sell the land and he is now left with a small piece.  That’s pretty much all I heard since I tuned out the rest.

When we got there a mountain man was he.  As soon as I got out of the car I was greeted by a dog, a little sweet dog.  A mountain man and a mountain dog equal a mountain life.  I asked the dog's name and he said, “Dog".  My mom and I were talking to my grandfather(Johnny) for about 10 mins and his brother pulls up in the driveway.  My dad had been walking around checking out the property and all of the sudden I hear, “Ms. Arcen come here you have got to see this!"  So I ran back behind the house thinking something was wrong.  I have never seen anything so beautiful and wonderful, so big, and black.  It was a horse!!!!  So I ran back full of excitement. They are all talking and I interrupt with, “I didn’t know you had a horse."  I could barley stand still I was so excited!  I was jumping with joy.  It was one of the greatest moments in my life.  Johnny asked, “Guess her name?"  I guessed something and he said “No, guess again."  He finally said “Horse, her name is Horse.”  So he has a dog named Dog and a horse named Horse, can you believe that?  As I thought about the name knowing it can’t be, I thought Majesty should be her name.  That is what I am going to call her. 

I spent the rest of the day with her, I brushed her and talked to her.    I picked the briers out of her mane and most of all I loved her.  At some point my grandfather asked if I wanted to ride her.  In less then a second I said, “Yes."  We had lunch and then he brought Majesty to the barn and saddled her up.  My dad said he didn’t think it was such a good idea, I didn’t want to ruin the moment so I assured him that I would be fine.  So I got up on her and wow she was huge but gentle like nothing I had felt before.  I walked her up and down the property having the time of my life with Dog right behind us.  A few times Majesty kicked but Dog never got hurt. 

Later in the day before we left my grandfather said she was mine.  All I need is a trailer to take her home and a place to keep her.  Well, I have found a trailer via my mom’s friend and we can board her where I am taking lesions now.  So late spring if all goes well and I have good grades I may get to bring her home.  I am so excited but until then I will have to wait!

I have always heard that when one door closes another opens.

1 comment:

  1. That is so exciting!! Wow, that will be incredible, You will be a best friend of Majesty!

